Om jag skrapar hälften idag och hälften i morgon?

Juste, ni kan få ta del av min snygga engelska som jag mailade till Beate:

Now, rajt immidatly, ill go and scrape my trisslotts and then ill call ju right away when winning in round turns twentyfive... whaite... at least hundreds of thousands of swedish moneys. okay? in case ju dont answear my caaall then maeyby you could met me at the aircraftport in the morning? lets say so. i case you why i write in egnlish its because i have to practice it before my alonetrip to... far away from home.
many huggs and kisses, wet or not wet, chillin and dilln in the sofa, your sincerly and one of your very best friends LINNET

Sådärja. Nu känns det sådär bra igen.



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